
Friday, May 1, 2015

Greek Burgers Like Wolffy's

Right next to the campus of Gonzaga, there is a little diner frequented by the students of Gonzaga and the community of Spokane.  (Gonzaga is a perennial basketball powerhouse, and don't even think of pronouncing it wrong.  The "zag" is pronounced like "zig-zag." )  At Wolffy's, there can't be more than 20 seats, and there is counter seating where you can view the employees cooking the food right in front of you.  This little diner has been around for many years serving up burgers and fries and shakes .
You might want to add the Greek Burger to your summer hamburger repertoire.  All you need is feta and pepperoncini.  The only secret to their Greek burgers, is cooking the pepperoncini on their grill, right along side the hamburgers.  This kind of tones down the pepperoncini.  All my family loves these burgers, I hope you will try them. 


  1. Hi Joni, these looks and sound fabulous and so different! I will definitely give them a try. It's grilling time here.

  2. Oh my goodness, I do believe I can smell them - yummy!

  3. I am a burger gal. I will be trying these. Adele ate a whole hat if my home canned pepperocinis the other night. Luckily I have more!

  4. I have never eaten there in Spokane! Looks good! I will have to try your version!
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


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