Saturday, October 19, 2013

Skull Medallion Cake

Welcome to Red Couch Recipes where Zoulah had a "magical" time coming up with this cake!  She has thought about doing something like this for awhile.
Zoulah bought the ceramic skull cookie stamp at World Market this year.  She has a good collection of cookie stamps and she is excited to have another use for the ones she has.
She made up a batch of homemade marshmallow fondant or you can just buy some fondant.

She set out the fondant to dry a bit on some waxed paper.  She made sure that there was a bit of confectioner's sugar on the bottom of each medallion.  She did not totally dry the fondant medallions before applying them to the cake.

Then she made a 3-layer cake using 2 boxes of cake mix.  She wants you to know that you will have a bit of leftover cake mix.  Then before baking she swirled in some orange food coloring. 
Then she made a batch of buttercream frosting and tinted it black.  The recipe for the buttercream frosting is 3/4 cup of butter, 4 cups of confectioner's sugar, and 4 to 5 tablespoons of water, and 1 teaspoon flavoring.  Zoulah used almond extract.  Mix well and adjust water or sugar to get the right consistency.  She added black gel food coloring. 
 Then she frosted the cake and she used a bit of water on her knife so that she could get the frosting extra smooth.
Before the buttercream frosting dried, she applied the fondant medallions that were not completely dry.  Because the frosting was also  not dry the medallions were able to stick by themselves. 

Then for fun she added some pearly white sixlets at the bottom of the cake and randomly all over the cake.  Zoulah's Wal-Mart has begun to stock these near the cake mixes.

 Then she added two skeleton pops for a whimsical effect.

 Zoulah wants to share a secret with you.  For a final touch she added some confectioner's sugar to hide the imperfections on the cake!  If you already knew this secret then you are Zoulah's kind of witch!

She hopes you like her cake!  It was a focal point of her "Crossbones Inn Tablescape."

Zoulah and her twin Beaulah
Zoulah thanks you for dropping by Red Couch Recipes.


Lynn said...

Lovin' the scary skeleton cake Joni! Tell Zoulah she did a great job:@)

Sarah said...

Great job, Joni. You come up with such clever ideas.
