Welcome to Tablescape Thursday and Alphabe-Thursday where the letter of the week is "X." The letter X has proved to be the hardest assignment for Alphabe-Thursday! But wanting to maintain my A plus in Mrs. Matlock's class, I DID come up with a recipe for this week! In Chinese, the word for cookies is "xiaodianxin." In English, the symbol at the end of letters is "X" for kiss and "O" for hugs. I also made kiss cookies because I love them and, OF COURSE, I love cookies (AND KISSES) in general. I also love America and I love celebrating the 4th of July! Is that enough KISSING AND LOVING FOR YOU?? The recipe for the peanut butter kiss cookies is at the end of my post.

I began the tablescape with a red and white floral plate, and plain dinner plate, both from Wal-Mart.
I added bandana napkins and the SUPER CUTE "Style Sisters" napkin ring holders! I love them and I totally copied using bandanas and Napkin Rings from Karin at the Style sisters! Thanks Karin! I am sure you can purchase some at Style Sisters.
We are out on the deck today. Peeking in the back is a water dispenser new to me. I bought this at Tai Pan Trading, a local store.
Come have a sip of lemon water. It is a hot, humid day out. I have slipped a few blueberries in for color.
I love lthe red and white plates. To me, they just add so much to the table.
Make sure you grab some cookies and some lemon water on your way out. Don't forget, the recipe for the cookies is at the end of the post. Thanks for dropping by and I wish you the best 4th of July!

Peanut Butter Hershey Kisses Cookies for the Letter "X"
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 3/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 bag Hershey kisses
Cream sugars and margarine. Beat in egg. Add milk, peanut butter and vanilla. Mix in dry ingredients. Roll into balls,walnut-sized, and roll in sugar. Bake at 375 degrees for 9-10 minutes. When cooked, lightly press Hershey kiss in the middle. Make sure you put Hershey's kisses on after the cookies are baked and cooled.
Make sure you roll the dough in sugar before baking!
I am posting this with Tablescape Thursday and Alphabe-Thursday.