My daughter Talley turned 10, (double digits!) last week and we held a "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" birthday party. The Percy Jackson books, and movie, are very popular around children her age. Talley helped plan most of the party; she had lots of good ideas. In the books, Percy's mom always liked to make him blue food; so blue was the color of the evening. Percy's father is the son of the mythical character Poseidon, God of the ocean, so I guess the blue signifies the ocean, Poseidon's realm. The girls were so cute and we had such a fun time!
I am including reminders of my "It's a Wonderful Life" Link up Party on all my posts. Share all the "wonderful" holiday things going on in your life! Click HERE for more details. There will also be a few giveaway gifties!
Talley and I made these string balls together; we thought they looked like bubbles in the ocean.
Here is a long view of the table.
I placed lightning bolts in the glasses.
We served blue Hawaiian punch.
An individual place setting. The girls loved the candy cane tucked in the napkin ring.
Here's an side view of the table.
The candy centerpiece was fun to put together. Who knew there were so many kinds of blue candy? At the end of the party, the girls took home a cellophane bag filled with the blue candy.
We added some pictures of the Greek "Gods" to the candy centerpiece.
What would a party be without a cake? Talley said she wanted a lightning bolt cake so that is what she got! Tati
(Polka Dot Pantry Sweets) and I made the cake by just drawing a lightning bolt freehand and then cutting around the pattern. We just used one cake baked in a 9x 13 pan and cut it out twice. Next time, for ease, I would make two 13 x 9 cakes so I could make a larger cake.
I piped "blue" ice cream (just vanilla with blue food coloring in it) into a little ramekin for each girl. I softened the ice cream before piping and then put the ramekins back in the freezer.
Percy Jackson Treasure Hunt
Talley planned a treasure hunt for the girls. She adapted the clues from the website
"Make it Do."
The First Clue
The first clue was hidden under one of the dinner plates. This clue said the following:
"Ares is the god of war, he loves to fight and not much more. He's hidden a clue in orbs untold. To find them out, you must be bold ! So take his weapons and use them well , within the orbs a clue may tell."
In one of the orbs (balloons), the next clue was found. The girls used sharp pencils, and just one hand, to pop the balloons.
The Second Clue
In the balloons the second clue was found and it read as follows:
"Look above, beyond the wall
In the sky Zeus rules all. Climb to his realm and do not fall. If you’re lucky you’ll feel no jolt from Zeus’ mighty Lightning Bolt."
These lightening bolts were hung from my shower curtain. The girls took turn choosing lightning bolts. One of the bolts was marked with a clue. We did this by candlelight.
The Third Clue
The clue on the designated bolt read as follows:
"There's much to fear in Hades' home, for in his kingdom the dead to roam. Descend, descend to darkest black, and if you survive a clue bring back."
The girls then headed down to our basement. But first, to enter they had to throw gold drachma (gold coins) into a pot, before they could cross the River Styx. Then they found the third clue in Hades -- in my laundry room; rather ironic because when the wash is backed up, it feels like Hades. Here is the skeleton they found the fourth clue in.
The Fourth Clue
This is the clue that Talley devised:
"It's quite frightening to see the bolt of lightning. If you can see it, it won't strike. It might be something you like, so go ahead and eat your treat and know forever that you can defeat."
Hidden in the laundry room was the lightning bolt cake. We also darkened the basement and searched for the fourth clue by candlelight. We took the cake and went upstairs for cake and ice cream.
The girls were then given a"blue pearl" necklaces to celebrate their "Victorious Quest." This,is just a blue bead strung on waxed string. In the movie, the kids were given blue pearls as they traveled on their quest to find the lightning bolt.

Each girl was able to take home one of the "blue bubbles."
I really enjoyed this party, and so did the girls. I might suggest adding a Percy Jackson Trivia Quiz, we didn't do this, but it might be fun.
Table Information
Trusty Placemats: Wal-Mart
Square Plates: Tai Pan Trading
Napkin Rings: Wal-Mart
Napkins: Ross
Bubble Glasses: Tai Pan Trading
Silverware: Oneida Damask Rose
Silver Candlesticks: Target
String Balls: Home Made
Today, and every day, I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ who made all good things possible. He made it possible for us to repent and to live again with all our loved ones. Not that I want to leave this life anytime soon, I am really looking forward to that great reunion in Heaven where I can meet loved ones. What conversations we will have!
Thank you for dropping by Red Couch Recipes today!