Friday, April 25, 2014

Fundraiser Cookies -- Wet on Wet Royal Icing Cookies

Hello Red Couch Readers.  I just wanted to give you a  peek of some cookies we made last night.  My daughter and her friend are going to San Antonio for FCCLA Nationals in July.  They won first place in Food Innovations at the State FCCLA competition.  Some of the funds for the trip are paid for by their high school and by the state FCCLA organizations, but, alas,  they must earn the rest.
They are selling these cookies at their high school to earn money for their trip to San Antonio.
The mascot at their  high school is a dinosaur.  They are called the Carbon Dinos. The big blocked C's are for Carbon High School.  The high school colors are blue and white, and we added a bit of violet to provide some additional color.   I learned at Cookie Con to use what I would call "themed colors," in other words, don't use every color in your cupboard.:). Last year, their mascot, the Carbon Dino,  received second place in the nation, in a contest conducted by USA Today, for best high school mascot.  The first place high school mascot was the Orphans from Centralia, Illinois.
My youngest, Talley, made Dina the dinosaur.  I love her and her pearl necklace.  I hope that Dina sells today.
Yesterday was their first sale date.  They did pretty well.  One male purchaser asked, in high school parlance, "How the h--- did you make these?"  They got a chuckle out of that.

In order to go to San Antonio, they will have to sell lots of cookies!  We all love the decorating process and it is so fun for the four of us to decorate together.  This is a time for free expression.  No mother telling them to do this or do that.  There IS  a mother telling them to try things, to experiment ,and express themselves.   I like that kind of mother, and should be it more often.  As we sit down to decorate, the chatter lessens somewhat, and we get into a "Zen-like" creative state.  Love it! 
Thanks for dropping by Red Couch Recipes.


La Table De Nana said...

I love that Zen like state and can think of no better feeling at their age w/ their mom apart from feeling loved:)
The cookies are fantastic!
Kudos all around..they did a heck of
a job:)

Lynn said...

The cookies are so cute! Bet they reach their fund raising goals in no time:@)

Velva said...

These cookies are adorable! Love it.


Jacqueline said...

These are really cute! I love the colors and the dinosaurs!

Deb A said...

OMGoodness - these cookies are adorable!!! I wish I knew how to make these.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

What a great way to spend time with your kids and friends. I love the "Zen state of mind"...Completely relaxing and carefree. The cookies are adorable and so colorful and creative. I hope they all succeed in reaching their goals.

Miss Merry said...

Gorgeous cookies! They should start a special order business for Christmas. Good luck on their conference; I hope they have a marvelous time on their trip!

Debbie said...

OK, three things.

1. I love the cookies and think they are adorable.

2. That's the coolest mascot! I'm imagining all kinds of creativity that can go with it because there are really all kinds of dinosaurs.
(But now, I think Orphans is kind of goofy... just sayin'.)

3. THANK YOU for your sweet words of encouragement about my recent blog post. I never know how Sunday posts are received so it's nice to know that someone got something out of one of them.

Red Couch Recipes said...

love them there cookies....

Sue said...

Wish I was there, I'd buy a bunch! Lots of talent in your family. Much success to the girls. I too love the pearl necklace:)
