Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Veteran's Day Tablescape Honoring My Father

Welcome to Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, where the letter of the week is "H" for heroes and Susan's Tablescape Thursday.

This post is in honor of my father Frederick, Staff Sergeant, who served our country for five years in the U.S. Army during World War II.  He entered the war when he was 27 and was honorably discharged in his 31st year.  He served in Iceland, England and France.  He was wounded by shrapnel at the Battle of  St. Lo in France in July of 1944 and received the Purple Heart.  St. Lo was one of the key cities to the opening of the Falaise Gap which ultimately led to the expelling of the Nazis from Northern France.  This post also honors millions of of other veterans who truly are heroes!

Veteran's Day is the TIME to remember those HEROES that have valiantly and bravely served our country.

 After being injured, he was sent to London to recuperate for four months.  When he arrived back in the States, because he lived in Wisconsin, he thought he was being sent to a hospital in Chicago, so that he could be closer to his family,  for further treatment.   As the story goes, apparently, a mistake was made and he was sent to Bushnell Hospital at Hill Air Force Base in Northern Utah.  There at Hill Air Force Base he met his future wife, my mother,  at a hospital dance.  My mother's family had moved from the little town of Tropic Utah (near Bryce National Park) in Southern Utah during the war years to take advantage of the war-time jobs in Northern Utah.  My father was in RED pajamas at the time.  I guess RED runs in the family!

We fly our flags high on Veteran's Day.

My father did not talk a lot about his service during World War II with his children.  He and my mother took many trips around the country to attend reunions with his war buddies.  I honor him today for his service to our country during World War II.  I honor him for the time he spent during the prime time of his life serving our country and delaying marriage and family for his country; my father was 45 years old when I was born.  I look forward to the time I can ask the, now, unanswerable questions about his service.  He passed away over 15 years ago.  Many of the records of our service men and women were burned in a big fire in St. Louis in 1973.  Ask the questions now before it's too late!

History of Veteran's Day

An act approved in 1938,made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as "Armistice Day." Armistice Day was primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I, but in 1954, after World War II had required the greatest mobilization of soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen in the Nation’s history; after American forces had fought aggression in Korea, the 83rd Congress, at the urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistice" and inserting in its place the word "Veterans." With the approval of this legislation (Public Law 380) on June 1, 1954, November 11th became a day to honor American veterans of all wars (Department of Veteran's Affairs).

I love the light shining through the red sherbet cups.

I love the light shining through the clear bubble glasses too.

Is there ever enough of the Red, White, and Blue?

Celebrate Veteran's Day!

Please have some Cranberry Bars on your way out!  Great for Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Thanksgiving Challenge

I give thanks to my father, and all the other Veteran Heroes, who have served our country so faithfully to ensure the freedom of our Nation.


Julie Harward said...

Your father is so handsome...God bless him for the great service that he gave. My husband was in Viet Nam and he doesn't talk much about it either. I love all the reds too ;D

The Charm of Home said...

Yes, you are right my Grandfather's records were also burned in that fire at St. Louis. But, my mother wrote them and they honored the request and he got his medals. I believe they just told them what medals they needed. Wonderful table for such a wonderful father and day!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I am truly thankful for the service your father gave and for all our service people. A wonderful post honoring those who so bravely gave!

Marigene said...

What a wonderful tribute to your father and other veterans. My father also served our country in the South Pacific theater during WWII and rarely spoke of it. They were and still all heroes in my book. May they R.I.P.
Your red, white and blue table is very pretty.

La said...

Very nice table and fitting tribute to the hero in your life, Joni. La

Elle Belles Bows said...

What a very beautiful and fitting way to honor your father and all of the men and women that have served our country. Kerri

Jacqueline said...

Beautiful tribute and I need to write all this information down so I can have it in a nutshell! I didn't know that about records being burned. I think Fritz has a lot of stuff of Dad's service. He sure was a handsome guy wasn't he?

Sue said...

My dad served in the navy in WWII. I'll have to ask him to refresh me on the details when he stays at my home Thanksgiving weekend. Great photo and history of your dad and his service. Beautiful tribute.
I have cranberry bars on my baking list. Yours look DELICIOUS!

Pondside said...

That was a beautiful tribute to your father. You're so right in encouraging us to ask now, while we can.

Renée said...

What a beautiful celebration and tribute to your father. I am thankful too for those who have served us well. Thanks Joni.

Anonymous said...

My Daddy served six years in the Army and was stationed in the Phillipines,I appreciate your Dad,my Daddy and all Veterans...love this post.
Thank you so much for sharing,I too am honoring Daddy with a post on LazyonLoblolly.
I am thankful for all who serve.

Clements Family said...

What a beautiful post. THanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just LOVE those old army photos, what a handsome guy! And your tablescape is breathtaking!


Paula said...

Wonderful heartfelt post and tribute to your Dad. Your table is as beautiful and as thoughtful as his daughter!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

My husband's father served in WWII also. Sadly, he passed away six years ago. We still have his storage chest and war memorabilia. He flew on several missions over The Hump and served in Egypt, India and China.

Great post, Joni! They really were the Greatest Generation.

Tricia said...

What a wonderful story -- and a great reminder to stop and give thanks for all the veterans. Your table is perfect for the occasion!

Mary said...

I'm thankful for all our men & women in the service! Wonderful post & tribute to your father~ thanks for the reminder of what Veteran's Day is all about :-)

Sue McPeak said...

Thank-you for this wonderful post and tribute to our Veterans. Your photos and table settings are outstanding! Enjoyed your Hero Post!

Tina said...

I don't think there's ever enough thanks that we can give our men in uniform. Thanks for spotlighting them.

Kathleen said...

God bless your dad, and all the veterans. A wonderful tribute!

Marlis said...

A truly moving tribute. Thanks for sharing with us. I really enjoyed coming by for a visit.

Millie said...

Such a loving tribute to your father and all the other heroes of our military. Wonderful post.

genie said...

Thank you for this lovely meaningful, and poignant post. It warmed my heart reading it. Thank you so much. Genie

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

That is such a beautiful and touching story... And look how the chance meeting of your Mom and Dad was fate for you... I am definetly waving my American Flag for your Dad and all my family who were side by side with him... Thank you for sharing your story... Now, will you share your recipe for those scrumptious cranberry bars??? YUMMY!!!
Hugs to you

vignette design said...

What a handsome guy! How sweet to honor your dad with a Veteran's Day table.

Barbara said...

What a wonderful tribute. I loved hearing the story about how your mother and father met. We will be hanging our flag. Your table is lovely.

Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) said...

Joni, this is a wonderful tribute to your dad and all the other veterans. My dad served in the army between WWII and the Korean War, and was stationed in Panama where the US Army guarded the Panama Canal! Your dad's accidental trip to Utah was meant to be. Your cranberry bars are tempting. Will we see the recipe? I added the Thanksgiving Challenge to my post tonight. Thank you for the idea! Linda

Sue said...

What a wonderful tribute to your father and to veterans everywhere. The table is beautiful and it is really good to be reminded that this isn't just a day off work...it is a day to remember and give thanks to the heroes in our country.

Annesphamily said...

I am so honored to read this post and come over to say hello. I hope you will join me soon. Thank you for sharing today. I am grateful to have read about one of the many who has fought for our freedom. Tahnk you and my hat is off to all the men and women like your father that served and still serve this country. Anne

The Tablescaper said...

What a wonderful tribute!

- The Tablescaper

Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours said...

There is no way to adequately express our thanks to your father and all veterans for their service, courage, and commitment. Perhaps the best we can do is "never forget" ... and your wonderful post helps us remember. Thank you. I did a Veteran's Day post, too... http://myplacetoyours.blogspot.com/2010/11/would-you-live-like-this-for-me.html

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

A touching tribute.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful tribute this was to your father. I love reading that story about how he met your mother. I also love the tablescape you created as a tribute to him. Thanks for sharing such a great post :)

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

A timely post for Veterans Day! Wonderful story!

Anonymous said...

We are so fortunate that my father in-law was asked to take part in a video about his time in World War II. Everyone in my family cherishes it.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

A beautiful tribute to your dad and veterans. My dad is also my favorite veteran -- he never talks much about his war experience, but he did write about them and I have those memories as one of my most prized treasures. You're right -- there's no such thing as too much red, white and blue....any day!

JJ said...

I am your newest follower from Jenny Matlock. My middle name is Helper. Please follow me as well. Thank you.

The Disconnected Writer

BTW, Be proud. My dad was also a war hero. I am proud as well.

{oc cottage} said...

LOVE this! WOW!!!

m ^..^

Alycia Nichols said...

Such a pretty table, and what a wonderful trip back in time in memory of your brave father! Thank you for sharing this. So many people tend to forget what Veterans Day is all about.

H said...

My dad was in the RAF just after the second world war.

We remember armistace day today (11th) but mostly it is observed on the nearest Sunday, so we will have our 2 minute silence and the laying of poppy wreaths on Sunday.

H said...

Sorry, typo, 'Armistice'!

Jenny said...

What a handsome and brave man your Father was. I am so sorry you did not get to ask the questions you wish you would have. Your poignant reminder to 'Ask the questions now before it's too late!' really struck home for me.

We are trying to reconstruct my husbands family history and it's very hard to piece it together on the memories of the very few people left in his family.

Thank you for this poignant and wonderful post today.

God Bless America.


Entertaining Women said...

I love the whole idea of your tablescape. My daddy was in Italy...injured some time after the landing at Salerno. He too was sent home early, and mama and he ended up in Natchez, Missippi. Thank you for honoring these most special men! Cherry Kay

Judie said...

Thanks for this post! My Son-in-law is a veteran of Iraq. He came home with physical and emmotional issues that may never be resolved. He is on a lot of medication.

Cheryl D. said...

Great post on your father's service to his country. Funny that an Army mistake would lead to him finding his wife!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

How appropriate and what a sweet story. Love the Utah connection!
