Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bloom Tablescape

I love the word BLOOM and all it encompasses.  Whatever, our lot or
circumstances in life, we must, for our own sakes, BLOOM!  In each stage of our life, we must show our colors and burst out into vibrancy.

I found these Better Homes and Gardens plates at Wal-Mart for a quarter; I bought ten :).

The rattan chargers were found at Wal-Mart for fifty cents.

Just BLOOM!  One of my daughters had been working for two years to make a team.  She recently tried out, with never a thought that she wouldn't make it, and didn't make the team. After the tears and disappointment, she too must bloom.  Not in the direction she had dreamed of for two years, but in a different direction.  And who knows, maybe a much better direction.....BLOOM!

I love the POP that the coral napkin rings bring to the table.  I found them at K-Mart on clearance last summer.

My sister Jean is blooming.  In February she lost her 17 year-old son Kevin. 
In her grief, she began to write beautiful poetry about his life and the blessing
that he was to their family.  She had never written poetry before. 
  Encouraged, she has also begun to write a series of children's stories, stories
that she used to tell her children when they were young.  Tucked away in her
memory for such a time as this.


Some may ask, why blog?  Well, blogging has helped me BLOOM a little.  It has helped
me bring out my creative side that got a bit sidetracked.  BLOOM!  My son delights
in telling people that a year ago, before blogging, I didn't even know how to "cut and
paste" on the computer.  BLOOM!

Have you read the book The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Armin?   It is a lovely book about
four very different women who rent a castle at San Salvatore on the shores in Italy.

The first time with the umbrella up this season.

If you haven't read the book, I would urge you to do so.  One of the ladies, Mrs. Fisher, is an
elderly lady.  While there at San Salvatore she begins to BLOOM.

"She knew the feeling because she has sometimes had it
in childhood in especially swift springs, when the
lilacs and syringas seemed to rush out into blossom
in a single night, but it was strange to have it again after over
fifty years.  She would have liked to remark on the
sensation to some one, but she was ashamed.  It was such an
absurd sensation at her age.  Yet oftener and oftener, and
every day more and more, did Mrs. Fisher have a ridiculous
feeling as if she were presently going to burgeon....Dignity
demanded that she should have nothing to do with
fresh leaves at her age; and yet there it was-- the feeling that
presently, that any moment now, she might crop
out all green."

In the magic of San Salvatore all will be seduced to change and BLOOM!

Thank you for coming to my bloomin' table!

Posted with Tablescape Thursday.  Also posted with Alphabe-Thursday where the letter
of the week is B for Bloom.


Julie Harward said...

OK! I got your message..and I love it! Love the table and those cute plates and the BLOOM sign. I had not even typed since 1968, too busy raising 8 kids I guess. My daughters sat me down and told me that I had to learn to use the computer. With sweet patience they taught me and I am BLOOMING loving it! LOL

d e l i g h t said...

What a thoughtful message! Blogging has served a purpose in my life as well. Your table is very colorful and full of "bloom"! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. They are very much understood.

from my wicked ways to turning a phrase said...

new to this blogging world and have found it both cathartic and amazing to see how good it feel to write again and how many different ways the world is viewed through different eyes

Gabe said...

The table is beautiful. . . But your words are even more beautiful! How wonderful for your sister!

Barbara F. said...

What a great post! As a newcomer to blogging, I haven't really started to spread my wings yet, but I love exercising my mind by learning new things! My head hurts sometimes from all the exercise it has been getting lately. I can't believe the bargain on those dishes...lovely table. xo,

Donnie said...

That was a lovely post.

Gina said...

What a lovely B post just "blooming" with inspiration. We may not always understand why things happen the way they do, but the way we choose to react or respond is something we have total control over!
Awesome job :)

Tricia said...

What a lovely post, Joni! I also loved The Enchanted April and its message. Your table is so gorgeous -- that lime green with the pop of coral is just stunning! And, girl, you find the BEST bargains!

Christine said...

I love the words, Bloom where you are planted. I was planted in the middle of nowhere 10 years ago and I am just starting to feel like I am blooming. Beautiful post.

EG CameraGirl said...

Just perfect for entertaining!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

It's been fun watching you bloom! said...

I love your blooming table and your message. How true it is. I am so glad to hear that your sister has turned a bad situation into good. Good for her! I tried your Potato Gnocchi and I had one problem with it. No leftovers! Every single little puffy potato pillow of goodness was scarfed down! Needless to say it was a big hit! Thanks for posting it!

Lynn said...

A very nice message Joni! I'll need to do a little "blooming" myself soon! Great table, I can't believe the low prices! They sure don't mark things down like that here-enjoy:@)

Holly said...

Love the table!! I also really love Walmart-I think I need to start looking at the clearance stuff;) Great post!

Sarah said...

Joni, beautiful message here. Reminds me of the poster, "Bloom Where You Are Planted". My blog has been a creative outlet for me, and yes, it has also helped me "bloom" in the world of technology.
Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah

Jacqueline said...

Joni, your table is gorgeous. I love that bright green, it makes you feel like the world might bloom again someday (snow again yesterday!)

Your thoughts are wonderful. Another good book, although it is a business book is Who Moved My Cheese, simple and easy, about change and being able to move with the change.

Yes, we all had to learn to cut and paste and so did he! I am thrilled when I think how far I have come in technology.

Keep blooming!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done! What wonderful conversation pieces you have on the table!

Debbie said...

"...and yet there it was-- the feeling that
presently, that any moment now, she might crop
out all green."

I love that line. I also love the entire concept of this table and the way it all turned out. Just beautiful. I love your BLOOM table.

Marigene said...

What a wonderful post, Joni. Your table is delightful with the green and coral. You must have a great WalMart to get those cute plates for 25¢ and rattan chargers for 50¢!

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Joni, what a beautiful post and message. Blogging is a way to "show and tell" in a good way. You got very lucky at WalMart! I've never seen those deals at ours.

Keep on blooming!

Karin Şen Cankan said...

Lovely table and the message given also wonderful.

Thank you for sharing

Marlis said...

"Grow where you are planted".. one of my favorite quotes. Your tablescape put that back to the forefront. So sorry for your daughter. It's so heartbreaking to see our children's heartbreaks. And next time you go shopping,,, please please can I come??? Your plates are super cool. Thanks for inspiring us today.

Talley said...

Mom, that is an amazing tablescape! Of course I am blooming a more wonderful daughter every day.Jk,lol but seriously that is a wonderful tablescape and I like the way you said you bloomed in learning to copy and paste.
Your wonderful daughter,

Jane said...

Some wonderful wisdom here..."BLOOM where you are planted" is one of my favorite sayings. Like you, I could barely type when I began blogging. This medium has opened so many doors for me...and I have had the most wonderful encouragement from inspiring women (and men). BLOOM...that's such a good word to describe what blogging has done for me. Love your tablescape...
jane (artfully graced)

Entertaining Women said...

Thanks for the invitation to sit at your table. I had a blooming good time. Cherry Kay

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

What a wonderful post! I love your pretty table and most especially all the blooming that unfolds in your commentery. Blooms, blessings and bargains!

Jenny said...
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Jenny said...

What a beautiful post and a wonderful message! Such a timely reminder that no matter what is happening in our lives and around us, we always carry within us the choice to bloom or to wither.

Your sisters loss and what she is doing with it, is so inspiring.

And now, I must go search your site for your gnocchi recipe!

Thanks for a wonderful, thoughtful and thought provoking link.

This was beautiful...start to finish.


Mary said...

I love your message! Green is my favorite color & speaks to my soul...I love seeing in the garden or at the table! I'm familiar with that book, I need to put it on my wish list~ thanks for sharing!

Ames said...

I love the message that pops out like your coral napkin rings! Lovely post!~Ames

Christa said...

Please re-post this sometime next January or February when it will feel like the blooms will never come back and a person's own spirit will begin to wilt. How uplifting!

Pat said...

We finally have a day of sunshine and reading your Bloom post is a great start to this day!

Ansh said...

I landed here from foodie blog roll and so glad I did. What a wonderful post on life and the many faces of it. It was uplifting and cheered me up!

Thank you!

1 Funky Woman said...

What a pretty table. Love all the green! Your table just shouts out, "ok life, its time to Bloom!"


Sue said...

I love this post, Joni! You are blooming beautifully:)
