Sunday, October 3, 2010

Halloween Candy Skewers

Zoulah was peeking in the October Better Homes and Garden magazine and saw Dylan Lauren, of Dylan's Candy Bar fame, showcasing candy skewers for Halloween.  Zoulah, being all about Halloween adapted this idea for Red Couch Readers.  No cooking involved, just lots of luscious Halloween candy served on a skewer. 

The Red Couch family's church held their semi-annual conference this weekend -- they were listening at home.  During one of the two hour sessions, the Red Couchers created Halloween candy skewers.  Zoula wants to say that she just loves looking at the candy.  Zoulah used over 16 kinds of candy; you don't have to use that many.  Just pick your favorite Halloween candy.

 Zoulah wants to show you the skewers the Red Couch children made.

Yummmmy!  Look at all this candy.

  Zoulah thinks that candy decorations are the best -- that is, if she can get the Red Couchers to stop eating the candy. 

Zoulah's Notes:

Zoulah wants to tell you that you should use the thinner skewers if at all possible; it is much easier to skewer candy with thin skewers.  Also, use soft candy, no harder than Dots.  Zoulah says that the favorite candies for skewering were the chocolate eyeballs, the Pumpkin Peeps, the Licorice All Sorts, and the Tarantula Gummies.  Of course, Zoulah wants to tell you that she loves all kinds of candy and that whatever is your favorite candy works.

Zoulah thanks you for dropping by the Red Couch!  She promises many more tricks and treats for this Halloween season.


Sue said...

Joni, Tell Zoulah that I like her skewers a lot more than the original version in BH&G! Hers turned out just DARLING!

Sarah said...

Another darling idea! I think Zoulah is a great witch to have around.
Enjoy the week. ~ sarah

Pondside said...

Does Zoulah do outside jobs? I could promise a cosy, spidery bedroom and a spooky breakfast if she'd just come on over and do up some treats for my house.

Christy said...

I just loooove your skewers! So precious!

Jacqueline said...

These are really cute. We spent out time during conference making gingerbread houses and walls. Can't wait til we get together to have another MS day. Hope Zoulah is there. She needs to encourage her twin sister Beulah to get out and about.

Lori said...

Great idea, thanks so much! I am sharing it over at Momspiration Mondays =)

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

What an adorable idea! These look like so much fun to make with the kids. LOVE that Witch!

Lynn said...

Really cute Joni! Everything is more fun on a stick:@)

Carol at Serendipity said...


These are absolutely wonderful. Your photographs are stunning. I am filing this idea away. Thanks for sharing.


Allie and Pattie said...

Adorable Joni! Allie has planned a party with the cheerleaders to make these for the football players!
xoxo Pattie

Kelly said...

Totally fabulous!!! I am going to do the Peeps one as a special after school treat for my son this week - he is going to love it :) I appreciate the idea!

Clements Family said...

Those are so cute! Love it!

malia said...

These are "sweet"! I am your newest follower and I'd love for you to consider following be back and linking this cuteness up to the weekly linky party I co-host "A Crafty Soiree" every Thursday at

the cape on the corner said...

oh my goodness, how fun! this looks great in terms of display, but would be so fun to make with kids. such a great idea!

Bethany said...

I love candy crafts--and these are made of adorable!

Unknown said...

adorable--i will say, a skewer of candy makes it way too easy to just waltz around the house munching on sweets. hmm...i wonder how it would look for me to have a wand of sugar while on my morning walk :)

Jen@eighteen25 said...

how cute are those!! candy skewers are just too fun! thanks so much for linking up and sharing with us!! love the gummy spiders and the eyeballs. :)

Jamie said...

Very cute, now I need to grab some candy and skewers for the weekend. Have a fabulous Monday.

Nesty Girl said...

These are great! There are so many great Halloween candies out now...I love the eyeballs!

I'm visiting from Just Something... Have a great week!

Sue said...

I'm having people in this weekend (I think) and was trying to decide if I wanted to do a candy bar for only 8 people...I knew there would be to many leftovers. This is my answer! Perfect! Thank you!

Bonnie said...

You continue to amaze. What a fun idea. We just sat and watched conference.

Holly said...

I have to say I'm loving Zoulah!! These skewers are adorable:)

Unknown said...

I love it! I posted a link on my edible crafts column ( Such wise advice!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

How fun! Love this idea!

laurie said...

so cute...what a clever idea!

FROSTED! said...

Your skewers turned out so cute. I love them!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

This is adorable. Coming over from Take a Look Tuesdays. What a fun idea I am going to have to do this with my little men! Thanks for sharing.

Just Another Day in Paradise

The Autocrat: Haley said...

Those are really fabulous! Love it! Visiting from Sugar Bee.

A To Zebra Celebrations said...

These are so fun!!!! Good job!!! I'd love to share on my blog...may I have permission please? I will link back to you. Thanks!!! ~Nancy~

Lilianna Grace said...

That is a cute and simple idea that even I could do! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to print it for my notebook of blog recipes and ideas right now!

Mandy Beyeler said...

Thanks for linking up to Take-A-Look Tuesday over at Sugar Bee Craft Edition - I featured you today! - - Mandy,

Anonymous said...

My kids are addicted to this site this week. Thanks for all of the great ideas!!

Megan said...

so cute! I'm featuring your skewers in a post tomorrow on Feel free to grab our "I was featured" button!

Hanna said...

Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Wednesday link up. Lovely blog:) You can find me at

HOLY COW! This all looks amazing and that picture with the pigs at the top is TOOOOO cute

Gattina said...

What a cute and simple idea, unfortunately we don't like sweet things, lol !

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Joni, those skewers are the cutest darn things! They would be great decorations made from blown glass too. That's the only way I could have them in my house. I'd eat the candy. :)

There's a drawing on my Wed post you might enjoy.

Tracy said...

could not recreate in uk as we hardly have any halloween candy around. would be good to give those out to visitors

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

What a cute easy idea to do with the grandkids this weekend!

Thanks for sharing it!

Susan Anderson said...

Zoulah has a good eye! And a great idea, too.


Anonymous said...

What a fun idea! I love the eyeballs too.

Jo said...

what a totally cute idea!

Jami said...

What an adorable treat! I just love these.

Stop by my blog any Thursday for Theme Party Thursday. The theme is fall or Halloween this month. :)

H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaryBerry Boutique said...


Lori@Paisley Passions said...

GREAT party idea!!! Thanks for linking up another great inspiration to Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions.

Splendid Little Stars said...

The candy skewers are SO cool! Thanks for sharing them! YUM!

Shanna said...

Adorable candy skewers. We are having a Halloween party next weekend. I think I will have the children make them. Btw...Hello there. I am a new follower via Blog Hopping.Please visit @
Have a great weekend!se. great idea.

Megan said...

I am in love with these candy skewers! How wonderful for a party! I love your witch. I can tell you love Halloween as much as I do. I've been busy with many halloween projects at my house. I'd love for you to stop over.

I'm a follower!


Heather - said...

Cute & simple - great idea! :) I shared it with my readers at the Dollar Store Crafts facebook page:

Jenny said...

Zoulah! Thanks for the wonderful idea for candy skewers. I've not seen these.

Please tell Joni how much we enjoy your links to Alphabe-Thursday.

They are always clever and fun!

She gets an A+

Anonymous said...

What a fun and easy idea! Thanks for sharing!

- Megan

...on the brink of something beautiful said...

such an awesome idea. I LOVE IT!

Bishop Fam! said...

Such a good idea. I never know how to display my halloween candy.


Vintage Dutch Girl said...

Ha! Those are adorable! And look SO yummy!

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures said...

So cute and awesome photos too.

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Oh I love these! Simply fabulous! So cretive and clever - perfect for halloween candy time! TFS - Hope you are enjoying your weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn
