Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scripture Power -- Hebrews 13:5

Hi, everyone and Welcome to Red Couch Recipes!

My family and I have been reading the New Testament together.  Recently, as we were reading Hebrews, we came across this scripture:

"Let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things as ye have; for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." 

Hebrews 13:5, King James Version

I knew when I read Hebrews 13:5 that this scripture was for me! I had read this scripture before but I had never really taken note of it.  I was really anxious about something in our lives, but when I read this scripture I felt comforted that I should be "content" about the situation (be content with such things as ye have).  I loved that the scripture said "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."  The situation has not improved, but I have found peace and contentment because of this scripture.  Indeed, scriptures can have great power in our lives.

These pictures were taken in my backyard when we used to live in Lindon, Utah.


The Sewing and Knitting Loft said...

A good verse for many of us. Thanks for sharing.


Sue said...

I'm glad this scripture brought you peace and contentment. It's amazing how the Lord's peace can fill all the empty spaces in our hearts, and supersede all other wants or longings. This scripture is a beautiful reminder. Thanks for sharing it with us, Joni. Take Care, Sue

Bonnie said...

An appropriate Sunday thought. It's comforting to know our Father is mindful os us and our needs.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, comforting and encouraging post. Thank you!

Jacqueline said...

What a true scripture! In my darkest hours He has always been there, lifting me "on eagle's wing", and that is such a great testimony that He lives, that He loves us and that He is ever mindful of us, even when things can't be changed. Love you.

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

This is Beautiful! I SO Agree... and whenever I'm at my lowest and with hardships we find MORE beauty and contentment in life's most Simple pleasures and it makes you STOP and smell the flowers...
Thank you,

bentridge said...

Thanks for that scripture. His arms are always out-stretched to us. All we need do is reach.


Sue said...

I'm so glad you found peace when you needed it and that you shared it with us.

cathysrunning said...

Thanks for that scripture! Be content - that speaks to me. At the beginning of the year I made a commitment to get out of debt. Sat down and added up all we owed - WOW!! I need nothing but my family and our health and I know the Lord is watching over me. I'm finally ready to tackle this and be content! Thank you!

First time visitor - love your blog!
