Dear everyone, it has been awhile since I have posted. Happy things have happened in our lives, and tragedy has happened in our lives. Today I share with you a happy thing that happened. My 19 year-old son received his mission call to............Cusco Peru!!!
He will be sharing the gospel for two years.
This mission call fits him perfectly!. He will be learning Spanish, and perhaps some Quechua when he goes to Peru. He has always wanted adventure, and this will be a grand adventure. When he was yourng and learned about Easter Island or the Great Pyramids, he couldn't understand why we couldn't just go visit. Maachu Picchu is in the bounds of his mission.
We are so excited for him, but we will miss him soooo! Our home will be sooooo quiet without him. He departs August 28, joining his two cousins in the mission field: Mack to the Washington D.C. North mission (the state of Maryland) and Chase to South Korea (son of Jacqueline of Purple Chocolat Home).